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by Gin Stephens
Fast Feast Repeat
  • Health
  • 2020
  • Autor: Gin Stephens
"Fast Feast Repeat" is a book by Gin Stephens that explores the concept of intermittent fasting and how it can lead to a healthier lifestyle. The book is divided into three parts: "Fast", "Feast", and "Repeat". In the "Fast" section, Stephens explains the different types of intermittent fasting, the benefits of each, and how to get started. In the "Feast" section, she provides tips for healthy eating during non-fasting periods, including meal planning and grocery shopping strategies. In the "Repeat" section, Stephens discusses how to sustain intermittent fasting as a lifestyle and how to...
Number of pages: ~ 352 pages

Delay, Don't Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
Tired of counting calories, eliminating foods from your diet, or obsessing about food all day? If so, an intermittent fasting lifestyle might be for you! In this book, you will learn the science behind intermittent fasting, and also understand how to adjust the various intermittent fasting plans to work for your unique lifestyle. The best part about intermittent fasting is that it doesn't require you to give up your favorite foods! You'll learn how to change WHEN to eat, so you don't have to change WHAT you eat. Are you ready to take control of your health, and finally step off of the diet...
Number of pages: ~ 164 pages